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Est. Overall Band Score


(+/- 0.5)









Measure how well you meet the prompt’s requirements. Click the scoring button to receive feedback on this criterion.


Relevance to Prompt

task response

See tips


Clarity of Position

task response

See tips


Depth of Ideas

task response

See tips


Appropriateness of Format

task response

See tips


Relevant & Specific Examples

task response

See tips


Appropriate Word Count

Assess the logical and coherent organization and connection of ideas in the essay.


Logical Organization

coherence & cohesion

See tips


Effective Introduction & Conclusion

coherence & cohesion

See tips


Supported Main Points

coherence & cohesion

See tips


Cohesive Devices Usage

coherence & cohesion

See tips



coherence & cohesion

See tips

Evaluate the richness and accuracy of the grammar used in your essay.


Sentence Structure Variety
See tips


Grammar Accuracy


Punctuation Usage

Reflects your vocabulary usage ability.


Vocabulary Range

lexical resource

See tips


Lexical Accuracy

lexical resource

See tips


Spelling and Word Formation

lexical resource





Select the level of detail & click ‘Generate Outline’ to get started!

Here’s a sample assessment (demo). To get detailed feedback on your current writing, select the receive in-depth feedback extension and click ‘Check Score’!

Detailed Feedback


“Nowadays in worldwide nations, every moment, we are displayed advertisements on TV shows, magazines or huge LED boards situated on intersections. In what methods they are produced or how much producers care about ethical trend to making them? I believe they intent to have more watcher to earn more money regardless to its consequences.”
  • Task Response/Task Achievement: The introduction provides a general context about advertising but lacks a clear thesis statement that directly addresses the prompt. It should explicitly state your position regarding the ethics of advertising. For example, “I strongly agree that many advertising methods are unethical and unacceptable in today’s society.”
  • Coherence & Cohesion: The flow of ideas is somewhat disjointed. Using transitional phrases could help connect thoughts more effectively.
  • Grammatical Range & Accuracy: There are grammatical issues such as “intent to have more watcher” → “intend to have more viewers” and “regardless to its consequences” → “regardless of its consequences.”
  • Lexical Resource: The vocabulary is basic; consider using more sophisticated language. For example, “worldwide nations” could be replaced with “countries around the world.”
Rewrite suggestion
“In today’s globalized society, advertisements are ubiquitous, appearing on television, in magazines, and on large LED screens at busy intersections. However, the methods used to create these advertisements often raise ethical concerns. I strongly believe that many advertising strategies are unethical and unacceptable in today’s society, as they prioritize profit over ethical considerations.”

Body Paragraph 1

“In first point of view, some families my does not need something that is displaying on tv, but as home wife see the advertisement will feel that is a good idea to have it and decide to buy it immediately. In another case, there is families who have young offspring who mentally is not wise enough to perceive everything in family situation. Therefore, they will have high demand while they are watching a new toy advertisement. Begging his parent to purchase it and crying all time. As a result his poor father will be finally obliged to buy the toy.”
  • Task Response/Task Achievement: The paragraph presents an example but lacks clarity and depth. The argument could be strengthened by discussing the impact of such advertisements on consumer behavior and family dynamics more thoroughly.
  • Coherence & Cohesion: The points are not well-organized. Consider using clearer topic sentences and linking phrases to improve flow.
  • Grammatical Range & Accuracy: There are several grammatical mistakes, such as “some families my does not need” → “some families may not need,” and “his poor father will be finally obliged” → “his father may feel compelled to buy.”
  • Lexical Resource: The vocabulary is quite simplistic. Phrases like “home wife” could be replaced with “homemaker,” and “high demand” could be better expressed as “increased desire.”
Rewrite suggestion
“From one perspective, some families may not need the products advertised on television. However, a homemaker who sees an advertisement may feel compelled to purchase the item, believing it to be a good idea. Additionally, families with young children, who may not fully understand family finances, often experience increased desire when they see advertisements for new toys. Children may beg their parents to buy these toys, leading to situations where parents feel compelled to make purchases they may not have otherwise considered.”

Body Paragraph 2

“In second point, they may use psychological weaknesses; for example, by displaying a young lady with fitness body who is using some stuff on show to attract people for the good. It may apparently not so bad, but if we go deep in down will understand that how it may have an effect of youth brain and corrupt it. Or by using a charming sentences on cigarette box “the ideal of a manhood” as a person see this advertisement on the box, will feel himself on his dreams and will buy it.”
  • Task Response/Task Achievement: The paragraph introduces another point but lacks specificity. More concrete examples and analysis of the psychological effects of advertising would strengthen your argument.
  • Coherence & Cohesion: The organization could be improved. Use clearer topic sentences and transitions to enhance coherence.
  • Grammatical Range & Accuracy: There are grammatical errors such as “In second point” → “In the second point” and “the ideal of a manhood” → “the ideal of manhood.”
  • Lexical Resource: The vocabulary is repetitive and lacks sophistication. Consider using terms like “manipulate” instead of “attract.”
Rewrite suggestion
“In addition, advertisers often exploit psychological vulnerabilities. For instance, by featuring an attractive woman with an ideal physique using a product, they aim to manipulate viewers’ perceptions. While this tactic may seem harmless, a deeper examination reveals its potential to negatively impact young people’s self-esteem and body image. Furthermore, advertisements on cigarette packages that promote messages like ‘the ideal of manhood’ can lead individuals to associate smoking with masculinity and success, prompting them to make unhealthy choices.”


“In conclusion, the advertisement makers, regardless to the bad effects the advertise may cause on people, will made them due to make their customers satisfying. But it may have bad consequences on society which due to avoiding this trend i suggest authorities make some plans for the circumstance to check and control advertisements before showing up.”
  • Task Response/Task Achievement: The conclusion summarizes the argument but lacks a strong final statement. It would benefit from reiterating your main position more emphatically.
  • Coherence & Cohesion: The flow is somewhat choppy. Consider rephrasing for better clarity and coherence.
  • Grammatical Range & Accuracy: There are grammatical issues such as “regardless to the bad effects” → “regardless of the negative effects” and “will made them due to make their customers satisfying” → “create advertisements to satisfy their customers.”
  • Lexical Resource: The vocabulary is quite basic. Phrases like “bad effects” could be replaced with “adverse consequences.”
Rewrite suggestion
“In conclusion, advertisement creators often prioritize profit over the potential negative effects their advertisements may have on consumers. This trend can lead to significant societal issues. To address this, I suggest that authorities implement regulations to monitor and control advertisements before they are aired, ensuring they do not exploit vulnerable populations.”

Argument Improvement

Task Type: Opinion (Agree or Disagree)

Key Tips
  • Clearly state your position in the introduction.
  • Use specific examples to support your arguments.
  • Conclude with a strong statement that summarizes your viewpoint.

Suggested Structure

  • Introduction
    • State the prevalence of advertising.
    • Present your thesis: “Many advertising methods are unethical.”
  • Body Paragraph 1
    • Discuss how advertisements influence consumer behavior.
    • Example: Advertising targeting families and children.
  • Body Paragraph 2
    • Examine psychological manipulation in advertising.
    • Example: Use of idealized images and slogans.
  • Conclusion
    • Summarize your position.
    • Suggest regulatory measures to control unethical advertising practices.

Grammar & Vocabulary Correction

Error Correction Explanation
“…some families my does not need…” “…some families may not need…” “my” is incorrect; it should be “may” to indicate possibility.
“…as home wife see the advertisement…” “…as a homemaker sees the advertisement…” “home wife” is not standard English; “sees” should be in the present tense.
“…will have high demand while they are watching…” “…will have a high demand when they watch…” “high demand” needs an article; use “when” for better flow.
“…crying all time.” “…crying all the time.” Missing article “the.”
“…his poor father will be finally obliged…” “…his father may feel compelled…” “obliged” is not the best choice; “compelled” is more appropriate in this context.
“…by displaying a young lady with fitness body…” “…by displaying a young lady with a fit body…” “fitness body” is not a common phrase; “fit body” is more standard.
“…if we go deep in down will understand…” “…if we delve deeper, we will understand…” “go deep in down” is awkward; “delve deeper” is more idiomatic.
“…charming sentences on cigarette box…” “…charming phrases on cigarette packages…” “sentences” is not the right word; “packages” is more accurate.
“…as a person see this advertisement on the box…” “…when a person sees this advertisement on the package…” “see” should be “sees” for subject-verb agreement.
“…will feel himself on his dreams…” “…will feel connected to his dreams…” “feel himself on his dreams” is awkward; “connected to” is clearer.
“…the advertisement makers, regardless to the bad effects…” “…the advertisement creators, regardless of the negative effects…” “makers” is less formal; “negative effects” is more precise.
“…i suggest authorities make some plans for the circumstance…” “…I suggest that authorities implement regulations to address this issue…” “i” should be capitalized; “implement regulations” is more formal and clear.
“…to check and control advertisements before showing up.” “…to monitor and control advertisements before they are aired.” “showing up” is informal; “aired” is more appropriate in this context.
New Word Word Type Definition
Manipulation Noun The act of influencing someone unfairly.
Exploitation Noun Taking advantage of a situation or person.
Deceptive Adjective Misleading or dishonest.
Vulnerability Noun The quality of being open to harm.
Regulation Noun A rule or directive made and maintained by an authority.
Psychological Adjective Related to the mental and emotional state.
Consumerism Noun The preoccupation with buying goods.
Advertising Ethics Noun Moral principles that govern the advertising industry.
Manipulative Adjective Characterized by unfairly influencing others.
Target Audience Noun A particular group of consumers aimed at in advertising.

Grammar Enhancement

Grammar Structure Original Sentence Rephrased Sentence
Present Perfect: has/have + past participle “In what methods they are produced…” “In what methods have they been produced…”
Passive Voice: be + past participle “the advertisement makers…will made them…” “the advertisements…are often created…”
Complex Sentence: subordinate clause “As a result his poor father will be finally obliged to buy the toy.” “As a result, his father may ultimately feel compelled to purchase the toy.”
Conditional Sentence (Type 1): If + present simple, will + verb “they will have high demand while they are watching…” “If they see the advertisements, they will develop a high demand…”
Gerund Phrase: verb + -ing “by using a charming sentences on cigarette box…” “by using charming phrases on cigarette packages…”
Relative Clause: who/that/which “by displaying a young lady with fitness body who is using some stuff…” “by displaying a young lady with a fit body who uses a product…”

Cohesion Enhancement

Original Text Improved Text Explanation
“…In first point of view,…” “…From one perspective,…” “From one perspective” is clearer and more formal.
“…but as home wife see the advertisement will feel that…” “…however, a homemaker who sees the advertisement may feel that…” “however” is a better transition word than “but.”
“…In second point, they may use psychological weaknesses…” “…Additionally, advertisers may exploit psychological weaknesses…” “Additionally” improves the flow between points.
“…by displaying a young lady…” “…for instance, by displaying an attractive young woman…” “For instance” provides a clearer example introduction.
“…it may apparently not so bad…” “…this may not seem harmful at first glance…” “At first glance” is a more idiomatic expression.
“…as a person see this advertisement on the box…” “…when a person sees this advertisement on the package…” “When” provides a clearer connection between cause and effect.
“…but it may have bad consequences on society…” “…but it may lead to negative consequences for society…” “Lead to negative consequences” is more formal and precise.


Here’s a sample correction (demo). To receive a sample response for your current writing, select the generate sample essay extension and click ‘Check Score’!

Revised Essay

(Based On Your Ideas)

In today’s global society, advertisements are ubiquitous, appearing on television, in magazines, and on large LED boards at intersections. The methods employed in creating these advertisements often raise questions about their ethical implications. I contend that many advertisers prioritize viewer engagement and profit over ethical considerations, which can lead to negative consequences.

Firstly, some families may not need the products being advertised; however, a housewife might see an advertisement and feel compelled to purchase an item that she perceives as beneficial. Additionally, families with young children often face challenges due to their offspring’s limited understanding of family dynamics. Children exposed to advertisements for the latest toys may develop intense desires, leading to persistent requests and emotional outbursts. Consequently, parents may feel pressured to acquiesce and buy the toy, regardless of their initial intentions.

Secondly, advertisers frequently exploit psychological vulnerabilities. For instance, showcasing a fit young woman using a product may entice viewers to believe that purchasing the item will enhance their own appearance. While this tactic may seem innocuous at first glance, a deeper examination reveals its potential to distort the perceptions of young people, adversely affecting their self-esteem. Similarly, using alluring phrases on cigarette packaging, such as “the ideal of manhood,” can mislead individuals into associating smoking with aspirational qualities, driving them to make unhealthy choices.

In conclusion, advertisement creators often overlook the adverse effects their campaigns may have on society, focusing instead on customer satisfaction and profit maximization. To mitigate these issues, I recommend that authorities implement regulations to scrutinize and control advertisements before they are broadcasted. This approach could help ensure that advertising practices align more closely with ethical standards, ultimately benefiting society as a whole.

Sample Essay

(Band 8.5 – 9.0)

In contemporary society, advertisements play a pervasive role, infiltrating our lives through television, print media, and digital platforms. The ethicality of the methods used in advertising has sparked significant debate, with many arguing that they are often unethical and unacceptable. I largely agree with this viewpoint, as many advertising strategies prioritize profit over the well-being of consumers.

To begin with, advertisements frequently manipulate consumers’ emotions and desires. For instance, families may not require certain products; however, an advertisement can create a sense of need. A housewife, upon seeing a compelling advertisement, might impulsively decide to purchase an item, believing it will enhance her family’s quality of life. Furthermore, children are particularly susceptible to advertising. When exposed to advertisements for trendy toys, they may develop a strong desire for these items, leading to persistent pleas to their parents, who may ultimately feel obligated to satisfy their child’s demands.

Moreover, many advertisements exploit psychological weaknesses. For example, portraying an idealized image of a fit individual using a product can create unrealistic expectations for viewers. This not only misrepresents the product’s efficacy but also contributes to a distorted self-image among young people. Additionally, the use of enticing slogans on products like cigarettes—such as “the essence of masculinity”—can mislead consumers into associating smoking with positive attributes, which can have detrimental health effects.

In summary, the advertising industry often prioritizes financial gain over ethical considerations, leading to negative consequences for society. To address these concerns, I advocate for stricter regulations that monitor and control advertising content, ensuring that it adheres to ethical standards. Such measures would promote a healthier relationship between consumers and the products being marketed, ultimately fostering a more responsible advertising landscape.





Task Response: 0.0

  • Relevance to Prompt: 0.0
  • Clarity of Position: 0.0
  • Depth of Ideas: 0.0
  • Appropriateness of Format: 0.0
  • Relevant & Specific Examples: 0.0
  • Appropriate Word Count: 0.0


Coherence & Cohesion: 0.0

  • Logical Organization: 0.0
  • Effective Introduction & Conclusion: 0.0
  • Supported Main Points: 0.0
  • Cohesive Devices Usage: 0.0
  • Paragraphing: 0.0


Lexical Resource: 0.0

  • Vocabulary Range: 0.0
  • Lexical Accuracy: 0.0
  • Spelling and Word Formation: 0.0


Grammatical Range & Accuracy: 0.0

  • Sentence Structure Variety: 0.0
  • Grammar Accuracy: 0.0
  • Punctuation Usage: 0.0




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Thuỳ Linh
Thuỳ Linh
High School Student
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I have used the scoring service at the center before and found that the website's scoring is not too different and is very cost-effective. Thank you to the team for creating this tool! - (Translated)
Hải Đăng
Hải Đăng
Middle School Students
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I am self-studying to improve to a band 7.0 and find that the scoring and in-depth feedback are very accurate. The only thing is that the sample essays only provide for band 8.0+, which might be a bit challenging given my current level. - (Translated)
Tú Anh
Tú Anh
University Student
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I took the test and checked Task 2 against the score I got on LexiBot, and it was spot on. Task 1 had a bit more deviation, about 1 point; I scored higher in the actual test. But it's still quite accurate. You should also factor in a margin of +/- 0.5! Thanks to the admin! - (Translated)
Trung Hiếu
Trung Hiếu
English Language Center Teacher
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I purchased the unlimited package to support students in self-studying and self-scoring, and I'm quite impressed with the development of AI. The Q&A feature with AI is really great and useful, team! - (Translated)
Thu Hà
Thu Hà
University Student
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Sorry to the admin for using the free service for 3 weeks before upgrading to VIP. It's worth every penny; there's no other tool with such affordable pricing and quality scoring like LexiBot. I used to pay for scoring in a Facebook group, 80k per essay, and while the band was similar, the detailed feedback wasn't as good as what's provided on the website! - (Translated)
Quang Anh
Quang Anh
Marketing Executive
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My friend, who is a teaching assistant at an English center, recommended this tool to me! They said that if LexiBot also provided accurate scoring for IELTS Speaking, they would consider finding another job. I’m taking the test next Friday and am very confident. Thanks to the LexiBot team! - (Translated)
Hiếu Phạm
Hiếu Phạm
Sales Staff
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I’m satisfied with the IELTS Writing scoring service; it’s accurate and the most affordable on the Vietnamese market, and perhaps even globally. However, I’m looking forward to more supplementary tools beyond writing. I’m ready to purchase more! - (Translated)
Minh Khánh
Minh Khánh
High School Student
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I've finished my courses at the center and am now self-studying with LexiBot. I feel that Task 1 on the website is scored more strictly, while Task 2 is within +/- 0.5 compared to my time at the center, so it's quite reliable. The detailed feedback is more than sufficient, but the underlining of errors seems a bit slow, and sometimes the app becomes unresponsive. - (Translated)
Hà Linh
Hà Linh
English Language Center Teacher
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I bought it for students to use, and they have praised the app a lot. The pricing is very reasonable for Vietnamese users, not overpriced like some other services! - (Translated)
Sơn Nguyễn
Sơn Nguyễn
Sinh Viên
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Team, please improve your presence on TikTok. I usually scroll through TikTok and have been looking for a tool like this for a long time but couldn't find one. I only discovered it on Thread yesterday. I've just started using it, so I’m not yet sure about the accuracy, but everyone on Thread has given feedback that LexiBot is very accurate and not far off! <3 - (Translated)

LexiBot - A Free IELTS Writing Scoring Tool

LexiBot is a specialized website for free IELTS Writing scoring and feedback, helping you practice and prepare thoroughly for the actual IELTS exam without needing to use expensive IELTS Writing scoring services.

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Master IELTS Writing skills in 30 days!

Quickly score your IELTS Writing Task 2 to assess your current level and plan a suitable study path.


The IELTS Writing Task 2 scoring feature, along with detailed evaluations, is designed by LexiBot to help you improve your ability to present, develop, and defend a viewpoint, argument, or issue, ultimately leading to a higher score in Writing Task 2.

Score Writing Task 1 for both Academic and General Training with the ability to read and analyze charts, processes, and maps, enabling accurate information comparison during scoring.


This helps you improve your ability to describe and explain information from a chart, table, diagram, or map in IELTS Writing Task 1.

LexiBot is designed with specialized algorithms and artificial intelligence to score IELTS Writing Task 1 & Task 2 based on the four official criteria with high accuracy:


  • Task Achievement (Task 1) / Task Response (Task 2)
  • Coherence and Cohesion
  • Lexical Resource
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy

LexiBot combines AI (Artificial Intelligence), GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), and proprietary algorithms, optimized for scoring and feedback on IELTS Writing, including both Writing Task 1 & Task 2.


LexiBot uses 100% technology, enabling everyone to learn and score IELTS Writing for free or at a very low cost, pursuing the goal of making English accessible in non-English-speaking countries..

LexiBot has been trained to score writing closely following the four official band descriptors used by IDP and the British Council for IELTS Writing Task 1 Academic & General Training and IELTS Writing Task 2.


LexiBot’s machine learning model is continuously updated with a substantial and high-quality dataset each quarter, ensuring the highest possible accuracy and reliability in scoring.

Evaluate IELTS Writing Online with AI & GPT

Over 10,000 IELTS Writing essays from students, teachers, and reputable IELTS forums have been used as input data for LexiBot AI over the past 180 days.


With this substantial dataset, the scores provided by LexiBot for IELTS Writing will be as close as possible to the official band scale, helping you feel much more confident before the actual exam.

(*) LexiBot has the ability to identify off-topic essays, missing words, and other issues that many similar tools or ChatGPT 3.5 cannot handle!

Analyze complex charts and score IELTS Writing Task 1 with high accuracy

LexiBot Vision is a new feature that analyzes IELTS Writing Task 1 Academic charts with over 90% accuracy, including:


  • Line graphs
  • Bar charts
  • Pie charts
  • Tables
  • Process diagrams
  • Maps


LexiBot can understand the entire dataset of the uploaded Task 1 chart, compare it with the written response, detect discrepancies, and provide a fairer and more accurate score for Writing Task 1.

Writing Assistant aids in your IELTS writing practice

Select or highlight a word or passage while writing, and you’ll activate the Writing Assistant tool, which can be used to:


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This helps you become familiar with new or challenging IELTS Writing topics without needing to hire additional costly assistance by the hour.

Practice and take IELTS Writing mock tests with a diverse range of prompts, from easy to challenging.

Not only does LexiBot provide IELTS Writing scoring, but it also includes a tool to quickly generate random writing prompts for IELTS (General Training & Academic – Writing Task 1 & Writing Task 2).


Select the difficulty level and topic you want to challenge yourself with, and generate prompts in just 2 seconds!

Quickly create outlines for beginners in IELTS Writing

Quickly create outlines to help you get familiar with the IELTS Writing format. There are two options for creating an outline:


  • Basic: a basic outline for your reference
  • Detailed: a comprehensive outline with examples and specific guidance

Learn new vocabulary relevant to the topic

Quickly get acquainted with new IELTS Writing topics with a set of key vocabulary, including concise and memorable explanations. Practice these terms directly in your writing to improve your ‘lexical resource’ score.


Additionally, you can interact directly with LexiBot to learn more about each vocabulary word.

Create sample essays targeting band 7.0 - 8.0+ for writing skills

When scoring your writing for free with LexiBot, you also receive a sample essay for the topic you’re practicing, with criteria set to target an overall band score of 7.0 – 8.0+.

Correct errors & improve grammar quickly

Enhance your ‘grammatical range & accuracy’ score in IELTS Writing with a special error detection tool, improving your use of vocabulary, grammar, and overall expression for both IELTS Writing Task 1 & Task 2.

(*) LexiBot is designed to provide suggestions aimed at improving scores according to IELTS Writing criteria, unlike Grammarly, which focuses solely on spelling and grammar errors.

Chat & interact directly with LexiBot AI

LexiBot AI is not just a tool for scoring IELTS Writing; it also acts as a virtual friend and tutor, available online 24/7. It is always ready to answer thousands of ‘why’ questions, helping you improve your use of vocabulary, grammar, and expression across a wide range of IELTS Writing topics and approaches.

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"15 -30 USD per essay for writing scoring is indeed outrageous"

The cost of taking the IELTS is around 200 USD, and the cost of preparation is about 200 - 400 USD. An additional fee of 15 -30 USD per essay for writing scoring is indeed outrageous for students! What's more, with such sky-high prices, the scores are still just estimates.

"IELTS and English are meant to be accessible, not inflated!"

"In some countries, language certifications, especially IELTS, are excessively inflated, leading to 'price inflation' that makes the costs of learning and practice tests incredibly high, making it inaccessible for most students like me. So, when will the goal of making English universally accessible be truly achieved? With the advancement of AI, I hope for tools that support the learning and testing process at more affordable and reasonable prices."

"AI models like ChatGPT are very proficient in English, and learning IELTS Writing with AI is entirely feasible!"

"AI models like ChatGPT, which are based on natural language processing (NLP), excel in English. I believe that with accurate guidance, practicing, taking mock tests, and scoring IELTS Writing with AI will be achievable in the near future, at much more affordable prices."

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

LexiBot has been trained to evaluate IELTS Writing based on the following four main criteria:
  1. Task Achievement/Task Response – Addressing the task correctly
  2. Coherence and Cohesion – Logical flow and connectivity
  3. Lexical Resource – Vocabulary
  4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy – Diverse and accurate grammar
Additionally, we have developed supplementary criteria to help you identify strengths and weaknesses, as well as to enhance the accuracy of the assessments for the main criteria. All of this is based on the official IELTS Writing Band Descriptors
Based on feedback collected from actual users of LexiBot, the average discrepancy is commonly +/-0.5 compared to real scores. However, in some test environments, there have been a few cases with a maximum discrepancy of +/-0.75. Therefore, please use the simulated scores as a reference only.

IELTS Writing is an essay-based exam scored by human examiners, so you shouldn’t expect your level to be assessed with the absolute precision of a multiple-choice test. This is why essay-based exams often come with review services.


At LexiBot, we simulate scoring by rotating through multiple AI agents for each essay assessment, aiming to control the discrepancy to +/-0.5, and up to +/-0.75 at most, to ensure randomness and fairness.


However, if the discrepancy for the same essay is too large or unusual, please report it to LexiBot so we can provide timely solutions.

The Unlimited plan and individual LC top-up packages both unlock the same Pro features; there are no differences between them.

LexiBot acknowledges user feedback on this issue and fully understands the desire for component scores to align with IELTS format. However, LexiBot scores are divided into three levels (overall score, main component scores, and sub-component scores). Excessive rounding of component scores to whole numbers can lead to a higher overall score discrepancy. We have carefully considered this and, for now, the LexiBot team will maintain the current scoring format to ensure the lowest possible margin of error.

Yes, we continuously review user feedback submitted through the report form and via Live Chat. In the near future, our team will focus on improving the accuracy of the scores and developing new features based on user suggestions. If you have additional ideas, please take a moment to share them with us.

Common Issues & Solutions

In most cases, this issue occurs due to an unstable internet connection. Specifically, if the connection is temporarily lost while fetching results, the connection to the AI may be completely interrupted, preventing further results from being returned.

If you encounter this issue, try the following:


  1. Refresh the Page: Press F5 or refresh the page to reinitiate the connection.
  2. Check Internet Connection: Verify your internet connection and ensure it is stable.
  3. Switch Networks: Try switching to a different, more stable network if possible.
This issue is related to cookies in the browser you are using, and we have not yet determined the specific cause. However, you can easily resolve it by clearing cookies for the LexiBot website using the following guide: How to Clear Cookies for a Specific Website

Additional Questions

No, LexiBot has developed its own independent grading system for IELTS Writing, separate from ChatGPT or any other OpenAI models.

Nope, even after a lot of testing this year (up to April), ChatGPT still doesn’t meet our standards for grading IELTS Writing.

Yes, it’s very easy to identify websites and AI models that are not capable of accurately scoring IELTS writing.


1. AI cannot detect if the essay has too many or too few words


Deliberately write an essay with either more or fewer words than required (150 words for Task 1 / 250 words for Task 2). If the tool fails to recognize this or provides a generic score with unstable feedback, the scores from this tool are unreliable.


If you are using a chatbot, you can refer to the following results:



Even though the essay contains 308 words, which exceeds the requirement, both chatbots stated that the essay did not meet the word count requirement.


2. AI cannot detect whether the essay is relevant to the topic


Deliberately write an off-topic essay or copy a random article from the internet that has no relevance to the IELTS writing topic. If the AI still gives a high score for Task Response / Task Achievement (greater than 4.0), the score from this tool is unreliable.


If you are using a chatbot, you can refer to the following results:



Both tools failed to recognize that the essay was entirely off-topic and even provided high relevance scores.


We conducted this simple experiment with various tools and found that AI on these websites could not fully understand the context of the test and lacked accurate guidelines, leading to scores that tend to be random or fabricated.

Use the scores provided by LexiBot as a reference to improve and track your progress, but do not over-rely on them.

Ưu Đãi Ngẫu Nhiên

Vui lòng copy mã và sử dụng trong khi thanh toán

Dành cho tất cả các gói


Giảm 10%

Ưu đãi cũ: Mã giảm giá giới hạn số lượng, thành viên vào sau không sử dụng được.

Ưu đãi mới: Mã giảm giá hiển thị ngẫu nhiên, không giới hạn số lượng, công bằng với mọi thành viên.

Lưu ý: Ưu đãi này sẽ hiển thị cho lần đầu bạn truy cập. Sau đó có thể không bao giờ xuất hiện lại hoặc theo một cách hoàn toàn ngẫu nhiên, với mức giảm giá có thể không giống nhau. Mã ưu đãi thường có hiệu lực trong 4 – 8 giờ.

Upgrade To


Top up LexiCredit (LC) flexibly with any package to upgrade to Pro, unlock all the features below, and use until your LC runs out, with no time limit.

Advanced & in-depth feedback

Task 1 chart & table analysis

Chat more with AI

Export results to Word files

Learn more vocabularies

AI support while writing

Priority access to new features

View detailed pricing in

USD (Global)

VND (Vietnam)

Enter the discount code HelloLexiBot for 7% off on the 400 LC package or Unlimited packages
(Limited to 20 codes/week)

$3.29 | ~200 Writing Evaluations

($0.017 / LC)

 $3.92 | ~400 Writing Evaluations

($0.009 / LC)

🔥 Unlimited Packages (Limited Quantity) 🔥
Unlock all Pro features | Unlimited essay grading & chatting with AI | No need to worry about LC

$6.95 per month x 1-month period

$4.98 per month x 3-month period

$4.16 per month x 6-month period

$3.86 per month x 9-month period

$3.33 per month x 12-month period

Unlimited: Unlock all Pro features | Unlimited scoring evaluations | No need to worry about LC anymore!

Offer valid until 29/09/2024 (Prices are subject to frequent changes)

LexiCredit (LC) is a flexible pricing system based on usage on the LexiBot platform.

For AI features, estimated costs are assigned in LC units. For example, with the “Score Evaluation (1 LC)” button, you will spend approximately 1 LC to receive your scoring results. With these estimated fees, you can quickly calculate and top up according to your needs.

LexiCredit is a pricing model that we believe is the most suitable and fair because you only pay for your actual usage, without having to cover high fixed fees like on other platforms.

Buying LC for practice according to your needs, reporting issues, and providing feedback are the best ways to support us both financially and morally right now. This helps us continue to maintain the project and develop new features. The LexiBot team does not accept donations through other methods.

You should use up your existing LC before purchasing more, as any remaining LC will not be carried over.

For example: If you have 4 LC in your account and wish to top up with an additional 60 LC due to increased demand, your account will then have 60 LC (the previous 4 LC will not be added to the new amount).

LexiBot V3.0


LexiBot thông báo update thuật toán LexiBot V2.0 & LexiBot V3.0 (Beta) vào cùng ngày 22/08/2024


Đây là kết quả của rất nhiều tháng trời nghiên cứu cùng nỗ lực của toàn bộ team LexiBot, kèm theo đó là hàng ngàn những bài kiểm tra thất bại dẫn tới việc bản cập nhật không đáp ứng tiêu chuẩn và liên tục bị lùi lịch.


Riêng LexiBot V3.0 Beta đang trong quá trình thử nghiệm và chưa được cam kết nằm trong bất kỳ gói sử dụng nào hiện tại, những thay đổi nếu có (bao gồm loại bỏ, đặt giới hạn sử dụng, bổ sung điều khoản,…) sẽ được thực hiện trực tiếp mà không thông báo trước.

LexiBot V1.0 có những hạn chế nhất định trong việc phát hiện và chấm các bài viết có sử dụng lập luận cao cấp, thường thấy ở band range 7.5 – 9.0. LexiBot V2.0 & V3.0 sẽ khắc phục vấn đề này, trong đó LexiBot V3.0 sẽ sử dụng thêm AI model cao cấp hơn để xử lý, giúp cho điểm số sát hơn với thực tế.

Bạn nên bật V3.0 khi bạn cần kiểm tra năng lực lần đầu hoặc định kỳ, đặc biệt nếu như bạn đang đặt mục tiêu cao (7.5 – 9.0).


LexiBot đã thử nghiệm V3.0 trên hàng ngàn mẫu thử, với V3.0 bạn có xác suất nhận điểm số sát với điểm thực cao hơn vượt trội, đặc biệt khi kỹ năng writing của bạn đang nằm ở band range cao.


Ở các band range thấp hơn (< 7.5), LexiBot không khuyến khích bạn bật V3.0 thường xuyên vì V2.0 vẫn có thể xử lý tốt với độ lệch điểm không đang kể.

LexiBot V3.0 cần sử dụng AI model cao cấp hơn để chấm và hiện đang trong giai đoạn thử nghiệm, vì vậy chúng tôi chưa thể tối ưu chi phí tốt hơn cho phiên bản này. Bạn không nhất thiết phải bật V3.0 khi đang đặt mục tiêu ở band range trung bình hoặc trung bình khá (<7.5).

Có, LexiBot V3.0 sẽ chấm tốt bài viết ở tất cả các band, bao gồm cả band 9.0. Tuy nhiên, chúng tôi không thể cam kết bài viết 9.0 từ các nguồn này, bao gồm sách, internet, nguồn tổng hợp, tài liệu phái sinh,…sẽ đạt chính xác 9.0 tại LexiBot.


LexiBot hiện chưa thể xác nhận tính chính xác của điểm số do tác giả tự cung cấp, lỗi trong việc tổng hợp tài liệu, hay việc điểm số này có được chấm với thang điểm (band descriptors) mới nhất hay không.


Chúng tôi cũng đã dành thời gian thử nghiệm với một số bài viết của thầy Simon do người dùng gửi về, với LexiBot V3.0, kết quả trả về thường rơi vào band 8.0 – 9.0.

Generate topic


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Vocabulary for this topic:





Grammar check & correction



He is in troubles recently.

💡 ·

Errors will be highlighted in red in the essay. For a thorough check, this process may take longer than usual!















Grammar feedback




Ideas for the next section


Sample passage for the next section (for reference)


Sample Essay

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If the problem persists, you can report the error to the LexiBot team along with any relevant details, and we’ll work on fixing it as soon as possible.

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In-Depth Review & Suggestions

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